As far as we know so far, Serafen doesn’t readily approach the watcher like the other companions do, and as such, his romance is treated more like a side fling. Serafen: Serafen’s one true love is the sea, and even if you make advances on him, it won’t become anything more than a one night stand. So that leaves Xoti, Teheku, Serafen, Maia, and Aloth as romanceable companions. This makes sense since these characters have a limited history and serve more of a role of giving your battle party some different configurations, rather than being as fully fleshed out from a writing standpoint. It should also be worth noting that none of the sidekicks are romanceable. We’ve now had two titles to get to know each of them, but it doesn’t change what seem to be facts: neither is interested in pursuing a relationship with The Watcher, no matter how charming they think they are. It might be a little disappointing for some fans since these are some of the characters we know the most about. To start out, two of the returning characters from the original Pillars of Eternity, Eder and Pallegina, are not romanceable. Player Romance Options in Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire

Companions Guide: locations, classes, race and background of every companion and sidekick.Leveling Guide: Level Scaling, Max Level and Respec/Retrain explained.Console Commands - all commands and cheats listed.Need more Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire assistance? Check out our other guides: It’s all a bit tangled at the moment.Īfter a few weeks of the game’s community analyzing the permutations though, here’s what we figure seems to be the consensus – at least so far. On the flip side, some romances seem to initiate incredibly quickly, perhaps moreso than the developers intended.

While not every companion can be romanced, sadly, all of the remaining options are available no matter if your player character is male or female.ĭue to the variability in which companions are met and the order in which quests are undertaken, alongside some remaining bugs, it’s been a little difficult to completely determine which romances are possible, and which simply haven’t been found yet. Romance options are not a critical part of Deadfire – they don’t really affect the main quest at all – but they can be nice side objectives to accompany your story in the game. Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire like any RPG of its type comes packed with a handful of romance options for your player character, just in case you find yourself a bit lonely out in the big old ocean.