If you want a little more variety of color choices, try sprinkling in a bit of white or yellow, as both colors pair perfectly with the color of royalty. Purple and green complement each other perfectly and the right choices should add a touch of magic and royal flare to your garden area. Because green is usually the most common color found in the garden, it is not a bad idea to allow the color purple do dominate your choices when it comes to decorating your garden with flowers. Though shades of purple are uncommon in nature, that is not very true in the world of flowers, where there are over sixty purple flowers for gardeners to choose from when adding purple to their landscape’s palate. Purple is associated with spirituality, passion, vitality, fulfillment, the third eye, and the higher self (and it also happens to be this author’s favorite color). Purple is known to enhance the sacred, uplift the spirit, increase feelings of nurturing and sensitivity, and encourage imagination and creative expression. Because the color occurs rarely in nature, it is considered to be sacred and precious. Purple also symbolizes extravagance, creativity, peace, magic, and mysticism. Looking for a list of purple flowers to grow or give as a gift to someone? The color purple is widely known for its association with royalty, nobility, luxury, wealth, and power.